Twighlight Zone tanked, lost 75% of its audience already.

Christopher Reiss
2 min readJun 13, 2019


CBS doesn’t publish ratings for its programming, but we can get a pretty good estimate from IMDB. The total number of user ratings — people who gave 1 to 10 stars — is a decent proxy for total viewers. Trends are especially easy to spot.

And man, does it look bad for Jordan Peele’s reboot of Twilight Zone :

According to this, The Zone has been dropped from 2400 reviews in Episode 1 to just 600 reviews for the finale.

You might object that reviews don’t reliably indicate viewers, because people naturally tend to review a new show in the early episodes, or haven’t yet watched the later episodes.

Well, for comparison’s sake, here’s the Zone along with the surprise hit Chernobyl from HBO :

A couple of things are clear from this : IMDB rating counts don’t naturally drop with time. And the entire season of Twilight Zone had less viewership than the first twenty minutes of Chernobyl.

Go home, Twilight Zone, you suck.



Christopher Reiss

I’m a freelance ML researcher and writer from Massachusetts. I’m interested in all types of machine learning, love Python and Pytorch, hate Tensorflow.